Friday, September 23, 2016



Nepal occupies about 0.03%  of  whole field the sector and  0.3 % of  Asia continent .In north there is Tibet (autonomous region of China) and in different three course it's surrounded with the aid of India.It is  one of the landlocked country of Asia.It lies in northern east a part of the world. Nepal has the total area of 147,181 sq Km .Nepal's usual size from east to west is 885 Km and traditional breadth from north to south is 193 Km.The closest sea from Nepal is bay of Bengal which is 1126 km some distance from Nepal.The ordinary time of Nepal is 5 hours forty five mins prior than Greenwich interim which is determined assuming the bottom of 86 degree 15 minute  longitude of Gaurishankar Himalaya.
Within that small area ,however is the greatest range of altitude to be seen on this earth- starting with the Terai ,only 100 m or so above sea level, and finishing at the top of Mount Everest (8848 m), the highest point on earth. 
Often a visitor's overriding goal is to see the  mountains ,especially Everest and Annapurna.However,to exclude the people, flowers ,birds and wildlife from the experience is to miss the essence of the country.

Division of Nepal according to Physio graphic regions: 

Nepal consist of several physio graphic regions,or natural zones: the plains in the south four mountain ranges, and the valleys lying between them.The lowlands with their fertile soils,and the southern slope of the mountains with sunny exposures, permit for cultivation and are the essential inhabited regions.Nepal is small country according to area it covers but in Nepal is big in terms of geographical diversity.So according to geographical region Nepal is divided into three regions namely

  1.  Terai Region : From Mechi to Mahakali about 25 to 32 m breadth and 600 m height there lies a plain fertile land called Terai region of Nepal. This covers about 17 % of total area of land of Nepal. As the region  lies in low altitude it is normally hot in summer and very cold in winter. 
  2. Hilly Region: From  about 600 m to 3000 m height also from Mechi to Mahakali there lies mountainous central land called Hilly region of Nepal.It covers about 68% of the total area of Nepal.Here we can find cool weather .
  3. Himalayan or mountain Region: From above 3000 m height in the north there lies Himalayan region .It covers about 15% of the total land of Nepal.Famous Himalayas like Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga etc lies in this region.Here we can find a bit cold and extreme weather.      

    Nepal has a typical monsoonal, two season year.There is the dry season from October to May and there is the wet season (the monsoon )from June to September.
    In summer time (may  and the early part of June ,earlier than the monsoon ,are the hottest),Kathmandu can get very hot with temperatures traditionally above 30ºC. Even within the winter the bright sunny days frequently attain 20ºC although with nightfall the mercury may plummet to close freezing.It by no means snows within the Kathmandu valley and larger up the coldest climate can also be the driest climate, so snow is uncommon.Due to its low altitude Pokhara(a further most traveler travelling city)  is warmer than Kathmandu  in wintry season ,but hotter when the temperature builds up and wetter in the course of the monsoon.
    Pretty,Kathmandu is farther south than New Delhi and is on about the identical latitude as Cairo ,Miami, and Taipei.Nepal is about 1500 km toward the equator than the Alps in Europe so the snow line is way greater.


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